< 3626 recapture

今天我们要学的词是 recapture. Recapture is spelled R-E-C-A-P-T-U-R-E, recapture. recapture 的意思是收复,夺回。

Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin are three industrial states Donald Trump narrowly won on his path to the White House in 2016 – and which Democrats hope to recapture this year. 特朗普在2016年入主白宫的角逐中险胜宾夕法尼亚、密歇根和威斯康星这三个工业州,而民主党希望今年夺回这三个州。

Nissan revealed its all-electric SUV Wednesday in Japan, marking the automaker’s bid to recapture the interest of electric car enthusiasts, who have largely gravitated to Tesla in recent years despite Nissan's initial leadership in the EV space. 日产汽车的一款全电动越野车星期三在日本亮相,标志着这家厂商力争再度吸引电动汽车爱好者的兴趣。尽管日产在电动车领域最初占领导地位,但用户们近年来大多数倾向于特斯拉。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 recapture, recapture, recapture ...

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