< 3518 exasperation

今天我们要学的词是 exasperation.

学个词 - exasperation
学个词 - exasperation

exasperation 的意思是恼怒,气恼。 

The royal couple Harry and Meghan's decision to “step back” as senior royals comes after months of exasperation with media coverage that mocked them over issues such as their use of private planes while campaigning against climate change. 王室夫妇哈里和梅根决定不再担当高级王室成员之前,因媒体对他们的报道而数月来耿耿于怀,这些报道嘲笑他们的一些做法,例如乘坐私人飞机推动气候变化议题。

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