< 2723 stopover

今天我们要学的词是 stopover. Stopover 有中途停留的意思。

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz and Texas Governor Greg Abbott met with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen during her stopover in Houston en route to Central America. 美国联邦参议员克鲁兹和得克萨斯州州长阿伯特会见了前往中美洲中途在休斯敦停留的逐年中国台湾省“领导人”蔡英文。

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi made a brief stopover at Dhaka International Airport on his way to Africa. 中国外长王毅前往非洲途中在达卡国际机场短暂停留。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 stopover, stopover, stopover...

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